21th János Szentágothai Conference and Competition
21 April 2023
The University of Pécs Faculty of Science János Szentágothai Protestant Scholastic Honorary Society, in collaboration with the Szentágothai SH Society Academic Association, is holding its customary scientific conference and student competition on the day of 21th (results: 21th) of April, 2023.
This year, the conference will be held entirely ONLINE
Since 2004, the Szentágothai SH Society’s conferences provide a meeting opportunity for the most open-minded and innovative young/aspiring researchers from all around the Carpathian Basin; this year shall be the twentyfirst occasion (2020’s conference had to be cancelled).

Abstracts of the 21th conference’s presentations are to be published in edited volumes (online/printed) with DOI and ISBN numbers.
Our conferences official languages are Hungarian and English.
A presentation’s abstract must be sent in both languages and they shall appear in the publication in two languages as well. Please note on the registration form if the presentation’s language is English! THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING THE ABSTRACTS IS BY 30TH OF MARCH 2023 MIDNIGHT. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be released in the conference’s publication.
Please send the abstracts to the szentagothai.konferencia@gmail.com email address prior the deadline mentioned above as Word-documents formatted according to the provided example (see below).
The Scientific Committee and the editors of the conference publication reserve the right to decline abstracts on the basis of professional consideration.
About us
Dear Participants
of the 20th János Szentágothai International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference and Student Competition!
It is a great honor and an overwhelming joy to announce the 20th János Szentágothai International Student Conference and Competition in 2022 and welcome all those who have volunteered to engage in the joint endeavor either by presenting their papers, undertaking the blind-reviewing, functioning as session moderators or carrying out academic and organizing tasks. The success of the conference is warranted by the joint efforts from all of you.
A dream has come true!
The ideas of the founders of the Szentágothai Scholastic Honorary Society to provide a meeting-point for the most open-minded and innovative young researchers from the University of Pécs and later from all around the Carpathian Basin have been realized in the series of conferences since 2004. The first five annual conferences involved students from our home university, gradually shifting emphasis on multidisciplinarity. The first break-through conference was the John Calvin Conference in 2009 which opened the doors for international participants and yielded a successful edited volume of the papers presented on the conference. Our Scholastic Honorary Society has boasted with a trend-setting new tradition of organizing its annual international conferences, commencing with the 7th Szentágothai International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference in 2012. In the same year, we managed to organize the 8th János Szentágothai Memorial Conference and Student Competition which provided the standard pattern for our annual conferences of later years.
We are celebrating the advent of the 20th János Szentágothai International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference and Student Competition in 2022. We are proud to acknowledge that the driving force behind our activities is a set of specific features of the conferences: openness, multidisciplinarity, uncompromising work ethics, international quality of the student conferences and competitions with preliminary blind-reviews of the papers.
We are also keen on providing an amicable, enjoyable and creative atmosphere and a fair competitive context to all participant on our conferences.
May I wish all of you successful participation and memorable experience with the Szentágothai Scholastic Honorary Society.
professor László Imre Komlósi
founding and honorary presi
Planned conference sections
- Biology
- Humanities (History excluded)
- Health Sciences
- Geoscience
- Military Sciences
- Law
- Economics
- Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
- Engineering Sciences
- Arts (Fine Arts and Music)
- Pedagogy
- Medicine
- Psychology
- Sport and Exercise Science
- History
We will construct the conference’s section schedule based on the number of applicants in each section.
We are giving away a first, second, and third place award (and a special award, if justified) for each section, and five Szentágothai Commemorative Medals in total as well.
Anyone interested is welcome!
Registration fee
The conference’s registration fee paid upfront before the 30th of March, 2023:
– 3.000,- Ft, as in Three thousand Hungarian Forints, if you DO NOT wish to receive a printed copy of the publication;
– 6.000,- Ft, as in Six thousand Hungarian Forints, if you wish to receive a printed copy of the publication
The registration can be paid to the Szentágothai SH Society only through a bank transfer:
Raiffeisen Bank NyRt. 12072552-01505297-00100002
If the owner of the bank account and the person whom the registration fee is being paid for are not the same, please write the applicant’s name in the transfer message!
If paidin cash, or through bank transfer following the 30th of March, 2023, a late registration fee of 10.000,- as in Ten thousand Forints is expected.
Pro forma invoice or invoice can be requested at: hatvani@ttk.pte.hu
The presenters’ abstracts will be released in an online publication. The publishing fee is included in the registration fee, if payment is fulfilled before the 30th of March, 2023.
REIGISTRATION via the following link until March 30th, 2023 midnight (24:00):
Planned schedule
Opening the conference Apr 21th, 2023. 09:00-09:15
Welcome speech by:
Prof DR Róbert GÁBRIEL, rector emeritus; and
Prof DR László Imre KOMLÓSI, founders of the Scholastic Honorary Society
Apr 14th sections 9:00-17:00
POSTERSECTION committee viewing Apr 14th 12:30-14:00
WE ASK ALL PARTICIPANTS TO PREPARE a concise summary of their poster’s content, in English!
WINNERS ANNOUNCED at 15:00, 21th of Apr
The 21th János Szentágothai Multidisciplinary Conference (JSMC-2023) Scientific Committee
Dr. habil. ATLASZ Tamás (Posters)
Prof. Dr. BALLA Tibor (Military Science)
Prof. Dr. BONCZ Imre (Health Sciences)
Prof. Dr. FÁBIÁN Adrián (Law)
Prof. DR. FEDELES Tamás (History)
Dr. habil. HORVÁTH Györgyi (Pharmaceutica)
Prof. DR. GÁBRIEL Róbert (Biology)
Prof. Dr. HÉJJ Andreas (Psychology)
Prof. DR. HORVÁTH Attila (Chemistry)
Prof. DR. HORVÁTH Béla (Humanities)
Prof. DR. PADÁNYI József (Military Science)
Prof. DR. PÁLFALVI László (Math, Physics)
Prof. Dr. PAP Norbert (Geography)
Prof. DR. PINTÉR Erika (Medicine)
Dr. habil. SCHEPP Zoltán (Economics)
Prof. DR. SZENTPÉTERI L József (Arts)
Dr. habil. VÁCZI Márk (Sport Exercise Science)
Dr. habil. VÁRADY Géza (Engineering)
Conference abstract
We publish the abstracts both online and in printed format. The abstract must be no longer than one A4 page (min. 1500-max. 2300 characters), and must not include charts or figures!
ABSTRACT example
Title of presentation (center text, no full capitals!!!)
Authors’ names (include full First name!!, without titles) (align left)
Institution’s official – NOT abbreviated, FULL – name (align left)
Eg: University of Pécs Faculty of Sciences
E-mail: (only the first author’s email address) (align left)
In case of multiple institutions, please note in superscript.
Supervisor(s) must be written as co-authors in the last spot(s), NOT separately!!
Material and Methods
If possible, please adhere to the structure above!