Szentágothai Szakkollégium
PTE TTK Szentágothai Szakkollégium, Tehetségpont, és Egyesület
Szentágothai Szakkollégium Egyesület
székhely: H-7621 Pécs, Szent István tér 17.
levelezési cím: H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6. Dékáni Hivatal
iratok őrzésének helye: H-7621 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6. „E” épület 429.
képviseli: Dr. HATVANI Zsolt Ákos ügyvezető elnök
nyilvántartási szám: 02-02-0003484
adószám: 18627150-1-02
adószám megszerzésének időpontja: 2015. 02. 23.
stat számjel 18627150-8552-529-02
bank (IBAN HU54) 12072552-01505297-0010002
Pécsi Törvényszék 14.Pk.60.081.2014
be nem jegyzett, első alapszabály kelte: 2014. szept. 11.
alapszabály kelte(hatályos): 2014. dec. 10. (2016. szept. 01.)
bejegyző végzés: 2015. január 10.
jogerős: 2015. febr. 11.
Dear Participants
of the 20th János Szentágothai International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference and Student Competition!
It is a great honor and an overwhelming joy to announce the 20th János Szentágothai International Student Conference and Competition in 2022 and welcome all those who have volunteered to engage in the joint endeavor either by presenting their papers, undertaking the blind-reviewing, functioning as session moderators or carrying out academic and organizing tasks. The success of the conference is warranted by the joint efforts from all of you.
A dream has come true!
The ideas of the founders of the Szentágothai Scholastic Honorary Society to provide a meeting-point for the most open-minded and innovative young researchers from the University of Pécs and later from all around the Carpathian Basin have been realized in the series of conferences since 2004. The first five annual conferences involved students from our home university, gradually shifting emphasis on multidisciplinarity. The first break-through conference was the John Calvin Conference in 2009 which opened the doors for international participants and yielded a successful edited volume of the papers presented on the conference. Our Scholastic Honorary Society has boasted with a trend-setting new tradition of organizing its annual international conferences, commencing with the 7th Szentágothai International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference in 2012. In the same year, we managed to organize the 8th János Szentágothai Memorial Conference and Student Competition which provided the standard pattern for our annual conferences of later years.
We are celebrating the advent of the 20th János Szentágothai International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference and Student Competition in 2022. We are proud to acknowledge that the driving force behind our activities is a set of specific features of the conferences: openness, multidisciplinarity, uncompromising work ethics, international quality of the student conferences and competitions with preliminary blind-reviews of the papers.
We are also keen on providing an amicable, enjoyable and creative atmosphere and a fair competitive context to all participant on our conferences.
May I wish all of you successful participation and memorable experience with the Szentágothai Scholastic Honorary Society.
professor László Imre Komlósi
founding and honorary president